
FICPI London Forum
As president of the commission dealing with practice management issues and the future of the profession, Anne will be taking part in the Federation's Executive Committee on October 3-4.

Official launch of the Unified Patent Court
On June 1st, the public hearing for the swearing-in of the legally qualified and technically qualified judges of the First Instance Court of the Unified […]

Our firm will speak at the next FICPI forum
As last year, due to the health situation, FICPI, the International Federation of Intellectual Property Attorneys, will hold its annual Forum remotely. On this occasion, […]

Brexit : Reminder of the deadline of September 30, 2021
If you or your clients own European trademarks, or international trademarks designating the European Union which were not yet registered as of December 31, 2020, […]

AIPPI Congress
BRANDON IP will be attending the World Congress of AIPPI (International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property). It will take place in London from […]