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From A to Z, or almost

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Procedures to ensure that you get the best management of your Intellectual Property rights


A for “At your service”

Our team is dedicated to the success of our clients and their projects. Our legal experts, engineers and paralegals are at your service to hear you out and provide you with the best of help. We listen to you to understand you better and to provide suitable advice.

B for “Best practice”

We pledge to provide personalised and suitable help to our clients so that each one of you can develop your own innovation strategy. This is the commitment that our teams make to offer you the best possible advice, in consideration of your situation and your needs.

C for “Confidentiality”

The profession of Intellectual Property attorneys is subject to the same rules as for lawyers, and especially the confidentiality of exchanges. The “Profession” law of 11 February 2004 particularly reinforced the professional secrecy by creating an article L.422-11 similar to that of the lawyer’s profession.

This is why you can speak to us about all of your projects without requiring us to sign a prior confidentiality undertaking.

D for “Database” and “Diversity”

The firm uses the DIAMS database for the computerised and secure management of your intellectual property rights. This tool allows us to obtain harmonised and personalised profiles of rights, and allows us to inform you about your renewal schedules according to periods that are convenient for you, based on your needs and your organisation in terms of budget planning, in particular.

Diversity is the representation of different kinds of people in a company, an organisation – this includes, but is not limited to, representation across gender, race, nationality, age, sexual orientation, cultural background and physical and mental attributes.

Diversity - From A to Z, or almost - Brandon IP

E for “Education” and “Equity”

Intellectual Property attorneys are, like lawyers, subject to an obligation of continuous training. Over and above this obligation, it is essential to keep ourselves informed about the latest developments in a domain that is constantly evolving. Compliance with this compulsory training is controlled by the Compagnie Nationale des Conseils en Propriété Industrielle (CNCPI).

Equity is the process of ensuring that processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for every individual.

F for “Fair price”

We implement our best resources to offer you a fair price that is suitable to your business. Each service is covered by a prior and detailed quotation. Most of our services have fixed prices. Don’t hesitate to contact us for a cost estimate of our intervention.

H for “Human”

Brandon IP is a human-sized firm. Trust and respect are values that inspire us every day and which are reflected in the relationships between our team and each of our clients.

I for “International” and “Inclusion”

The firm benefits from a network of foreign associates across the entire globe in order to guarantee the protection and defense of your rights on an international scale.

Inclusion means instilling a sense of belonging to the company by ensuring that every person has an opportunity to contribute at any level and feels safe in doing so.

Inclusion - BRANDON IP

L for “Liability”

The profession of Industrial Property attorneys is governed by the Intellectual property code.

Industrial Property attorneys must follow strict rules of deontology, especially:

  • Liability commitment vis-à-vis the client
  • Professional secrecy
  • No conflicts of interest.

An internal disciplinary chamber for our profession ensures that this code of ethics is strictly followed.

P for Proximity

Brandon IP wants to be close to its customers. Our staff and experts are available and reactive in order to better understand your needs and answer all your questions as quickly as possible. We like contact and meeting our clients, face-to-face and virtually.

Q for “Quality”

We pledge to provide high-quality services to our clients. We are continuously reviewing our working methods in order to improve our skills as well as the quality of services offered to our clients. The development of a well thought out policy with an Intellectual Property attorney will allow you to serenely engage in an innovation plan.

R for “Responsibility”

The Intellectual Property attorney is liable for his acts before his client and has the obligation to subscribe to Third-Party Liability insurance. The liability of the Intellectual Property attorney vis-à-vis his clients is provided in the code of ethics.

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S for “Secure Management”

BRANDON IP ensures that your data and your due dates are managed securely and implements all necessary measures to guarantee the confidentiality of transmitted information. The firm complies with the provisions of the GDPR in force regarding information that it processes, as regards its clients as well as inventors and other third parties. The databases used are subjected to a secure backup both internally and externally, in France, for the strict purposes of deontology.

T for “Transparency”

As professionals, we believe in transparency in our relations with our clients. Also, we provide you with useful information for protecting your innovations and help you throughout the procedure. Similarly, we pledge to send out a quotation before providing any service and not to initiate the work before receiving your instructions.

V for “Valuation”

BRANDON IP has developed a partnership with BRANDON VALORISATION in order to also provide you with services for estimating the value of your rights, and more generally to advise and help to implement a suitable strategy for creating value from your intellectual property. Together under the banner of the BRANDON Group, the two firms offer you an optimum management of your corporate projects.


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Diversité - De A à Z ou preque - Brandon IP
Brandon IP

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