Speaker at the FICPI forum : the firms in post-covid mode

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Publié le 24 January 2022

Covid-19 has undoubtedly transformed the way intellectual property firms operate, starting with working from home and paperless environments. Customers have changed and so have their demands. The need for expert advice and immediacy has increased.

Speakers from around the world, including Anne Lévy, discussed how IP firms will operate, communicate and develop after the Covid period.

Most of the challenges that arise are international, they are not specific to French or European firms. Remote working has become widespread all over the world and is likely to take hold. The question of offices also arises since, in fact, the occupancy rate has significantly reduced and many firms are moving or planning to do so in 2022.

The topics of workload management, work-life separation and well-being in this “new world” were also discussed. The role of new technologies in our professional environment is central, all attending professionals agreed.

We are delighted to have been able to be part of this pool of experts who have looked into this subject, without a crystal ball.

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