Brandon IP recognized by Leaders League

Forte Notoriété - Propriété industrielle brevet électronique télécoms & nouvelles technologies
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Publié le 23 June 2022

As last year, our firm is listed in a very good position in the Leaders League ranking which identifies and rewards intellectual property law firms in their various fields of specialization.

For the first time this year, we are selected in the category of Chemical, Biotech and Life Sciences Patents.

Our ranking improves and goes up a notch in the general category Patents, since we are qualified with the label Strong Notoriety.

This is made possible thanks to our teams, so a big thank you!


Forte Notoriété - Propriété industrielle brevet électronique télécoms & nouvelles technologies

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Forte Notoriété - Propriété industrielle - Brevets physique, mécanique et construction

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Forte Notoriété - Propriété industrielle brevet électronique télécoms & nouvelles technologies
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