Brevet Unitaire
Ip world
Publié le 29 November 2023

The Unified Patent Jurisdiction (UPC) came into force on June 1, 2023 at the same time as the unitary patent. Although it is dedicated to unitary patents, the UPC is also responsible for “classic” European patents. For these “classic” European patents, the “opt-out” allows you to derogate from this jurisdiction to avoid any risk of centralized cancellation. It is therefore important to position yourself about the JUB as soon as possible, for your European patents and European patent applications.

What is the « opt out »?

Afin de supprimer tout risque d’action centralisée d’un concurrent auprès de la JUB à l’encontre de votre brevet européen et vous assurer que les tribunaux nationaux restent compétents après la fin de la période transitoire, vous avez la possibilité de faire une demande d’« opt out » (ou option de sortie), et ainsi donner aux tribunaux nationaux leur compétence exclusive pour les litiges relatifs à vos demandes de brevet/brevets européens.
L’« opt-out » est à la carte : vous pouvez le demander pour certains de vos brevets européens et garder la double compétence pour d’autres.
Ainsi, il peut être intéressant de faire ensemble une revue de votre portefeuille brevets pour décider au cas par cas de la meilleure stratégie, contactez-nous !
To eliminate any risk of a competitor bringing a centralized action before the UPC against your European patent, and to ensure that national courts remain competent after the end of the transitional period, you can request an “opt-out”, giving national courts exclusive jurisdiction over disputes relating to your European patent applications/patents.
The “opt-out” is à la carte: you can request it for some of your European patents and keep dual jurisdiction for others.
So it may be worthwhile to review your patent portfolio together and decide on the best strategy for each case. Contact us!

Is the opt-out final?

No. If you have requested an opt-out for one of your European patents/applications, you can always withdraw it by requesting an opt-in. However please note that this process cannot be reversed.

Is opt-out right for you?

Given the novelty of the system and the lack of experience to date, it’s difficult to form an accurate opinion.
So it may be a good idea to limit the risk of centralized cancellation, and avoid having to pay the first penalty, by requesting an opt-out. All the more so as you will always have the option of withdrawing your opt-out when case law is established, or in the event that you have to take centralized action against one of your competitors. Similarly, if your European patents cover a small number of member states, it may be worthwhile to limit the uncertainties related to the competent jurisdiction.
For less strategic patent applications, since the risks supposedly are lower, you may decide to do nothing and leave the dual jurisdiction of the UPC and national courts open for the transitional period.

Edern Tranvouez Brandon IP

 Edern Tranvouez
 French & European Patent Attorney and Representative at the UPC

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