Health, the main sector for European patents

Image santé et brevets
Ip world
Publié le 19 May 2021

According to recent results published by the European Patent Office, medical technologies registered the highest number of inventions in 2020. The pharmaceutical sector (+10%) and biotechnologies (+6%) are the ones that have experienced the fastest growth. These results do not seem surprising given the health situation since 2020.

In volume, European patent applications have hardly been affected by the Covid crisis, since the drop in the number of filings is only 0.7% compared to 2019.

In terms of sectors, we find life sciences in first position and in strong growth. Digital remains a priority in 2nd position, while the field of transport has significantly declined.

Among the countries in the world which file the most European patent applications, the United States remain in the lead, but China (+10%) and South Korea (+9%) are strongly growing. In Europe, France and Italy are progressing while Germany is retreating.

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